Voice teacher, business & marketing coach, and fellow singer Allie Tyler shares a cafecito with Melissa and talks about how the best avenue to finding ourselves and embracing fun & flow is through rest. Allie also shares her artistic origin story - how a classically trained singer found fresh inspiration through electronic music and ways we can get back to singing & songwriting as self-care.
Got any questions or things you'd like to discuss on the podcast? Click here to book your FREE 15-minute virtual cafecito with me or send me a DM over on Instagram!
Allie Tyler
www.thewholevoice.com (Instragram: @thewholevoice)
www.thevoicepreneur.com (Instagram: @thevoicepreneur)
The Whole Voice Podcast
The Voicepreneur Podcast
Allie's "Creative Flow" Playlist
We Can Do Hard Things with Glennan Doyle Podcast
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
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"Cafecito with the Coach" Theme Music by Melissa V. Cartwright © 2022 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED